Monday, March 16, 2009

Fam Fieldtrip 3: Fine Dining and Fine Entertainment

At work this week, reps from Planet Hollywood stopped by to give us some comp-ed tickets to a few of there shows, so we decided to make a night of it! We started off the evening at a chic lil' Tuscan Grille at Town Square for dinner with the 'rents! I had pork at a Restaurant for the first time, but not just any old pork chop-the kind that's so fancy that it still has the bone in! It was delish!
Matt and Crystal came as well as a birthday celebration of hers aswell! Love them!

And goofy old Mark and Victoria came too! They're always tons of fun!

Exhibit A: Delish Porkchop! I felt super unrefined pulling out my camera to snap a picture! Even the salad and tomato were to die for!

Madeline and I had fun giggling at the end of the table! She got all gussied-up for her night out on the town! Dahling!
I'm a huge fan of little outings with my sibs and parents! We saw a show called the "ULTIMATE Variety Show" which ended up being better than anticipated! It was a fabulously fun night!